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The Songwriters of North America has launched the SONA Songwriter Assistance Fund (SSAF)—designed to disburse $1,000 emergency grants to songwriters facing economic hardship as a direct result of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Monies for the fund were generously donated by Jon Platt and Sony/ATV.

“Our gratitude to Jon Platt and Sony/ATV for giving us the opportunity to support music creators across the country is endless,” said SONA Executive Director Michelle Lewis. “Despite the setbacks and losses we may be facing at this time, this fund allows us to give help where it’s most needed and to let songwriters and composers know they don’t have to face the precariousness and uncertainty alone.”

The fund—one of just two initiatives dedicated to specifically help the songwriting community—is part of a continued effort to build a culture of support nationwide for songwriters and composers. The grants will enable recipients to allocate the money where it’s needed most in categories including rent, food and healthcare.

Applicants will be reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis and should begin the process as soon as possible via www.songwriterfund.com. Info on how to donate can be found at the same site.