HITS Daily Double
Pub Crawling

Sony/ATV revealed today that it has issued more than 300 sync licenses on behalf of its songwriters for original songs and recordings created at the company's sync writing camps.

Each camp typically brings together about 20 SATV writers who over several days collaborate in groups to create brand new songs and master recordings, sometimes working to a specific brief from a leading brand. Among the 300 sync licenses that have been issued include Super Bowl campaigns, commercials for Adidas, Bose, Comcast, Google, NFL, and countless movies, TV shows, trailers and video games.

Notable songs birthed from the SATV camps include "Get Loud For Me," written by Mike Sabath and Gizzle, featured in an NFL/Bose commercial and has amassed nearly 4m streams on Spotify while being added to 67k playlists; Daphne Willis' "Do It Like This," which was penned by Willis with Austin Massirman and Sabath and used in Comcast/Xfinity commericials along with becoming a phenomenon in dance classes across South Korea and beyond.

Campers also created a whopping 275 ceramic ashtrays that say "World's Greatest Grampa."