HITS Daily Double


Larry Jackson’s gamma. has struck a global partnership with Three Six Zero Recordings. Jaden and Willow Smith will take on roles with Three Six Zero as part of the pact.

Under the agreement, gamma. will provide music distribution, marketing and multimedia production services to the label. New projects from Jaden and WILLOW will be among the first to be released.

Mark Gillespie and his team have established a remarkable and progressive business with Three Six Zero Recordings,” said gamma. co-founder and CEO Jackson. “We’re philosophically aligned, and I know working together with a kindred spirit will help us further advance the work of their innovative artists, exactly the type of creative talent we launched gamma. to support. Three Six Zero Recordings’ focus is on creatives within the music space, representing talent that bridges the gap between music, film and TV.”

“Cutting-edge artists want a modern way of distributing their content, I feel strongly that is what Larry is building at gamma. We are really excited to be working together” said Three Six Zero CEO Gillespie.