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Primary Wave has partnered with Brazilian music company Nas Nuvens Catalog as part of an ongoing expansion into international markets.

Formed in 2021, Nas Nuvens was directly inspired by Primary Wave's model of catalog acquisition, management and marketing. It's worked with such artists as Carlinhos Brown, Arlindo Cruz, Vanessa da Mata, Torquato Neto, Rodolfo Abrantes and Vinicius Cantuária. The São Paulo-based Nas Nuvens, which controls a catalog of more than 30,000 songs, is one of the five largest music companies in Brazil.

"This transaction shows not only the confidence Primary Wave has in Nas Nuvens Catalog and its team but also in Brazilian and Latin music, its quality and its potential to be appreciated worldwide regardless of language," said CEO Arnolpho Lima Filho, the legendary Brazilian musician-producer better known as Liminha.

Adds Primary Wave COO Ramon Villa, "We are grateful to be a part of the iconic Brazilian artistry Nas Nuvens represents and look forward to the growth in acquisition and global marketing initiatives we can execute together."

HITS is just grateful to be able to pronounce the word "caipirinha."