HITS Daily Double


If you’ve glanced at a chart over the last several weeks, you’re aware that SOS, the new record from TDE/RCA’s SZA, is big. The album’s been sitting at #1 for weeks, and several cuts have been streaming up a storm—indeed, “Kill Bill” is #1 at Spotify global and U.S. as well as at Apple Music, while “Nobody Gets Me” is Top 10 at Apple and Top 15 at Spot U.S. Now RCA’s promotion squad is taking the unusual tack of going for both of these songs simultaneously at Top 40 radio.

Such a strategy may sound bold, but it’s already paying off—and promo co-head Keith Rothschild informs us that he already has double commitments from several big chains and major-market stations.

SZA is having a huge moment as it is. Expect this radio onslaught to take things to the next level. In a related story, we’re told that Keith’s last name is now spelled “RothSZchild.”