Wednesday, November 24, 2021
“This is really a great activation,” commented U.K.-bred, L.A.-based producer Chris Lorenzo during the 11/20 Closet Cleanout + Meet & Greet at Goodwill SoCal’s store in L.A.’s Los Feliz neighborhood. The event offered an array of goodies for sale ranging from tour jackets to vintage synthesizers donated by Lorenzo’s DJ-community circle, with proceeds going to Goodwill SoCal. “I’ve never been more activated,” agreed Astralwerks prez Toby Andrews. Lorenzo’s latest single, “California Dreamin’" f/High Jinx, is a tribute to his adopted home state. Seen just before relegating some vintage HITS merch to a nearby dumpster are (l-r) Lorenzo, Astralwerks’ Nicole Lee, Andrews and Chris Lake.
Photo: Gilbert Sanchez