Friday, September 11, 2020
The Alternative format is abuzz with rumors regarding the changes being made at Entercom. All should be revealed on Monday (9/14), but we’re hearing that the 14 Alt stations will be programmed by Regional VPs. Among the names being mentioned are Mike Kaplan, Christine Malovetz, Leslie Scott, Matt Malone and Bailey. Longtime radio fixture Chris Booker, who is no stranger to the 92.3 frequency in NYC from his years at K-Rock, will now be on from 2 PM to 7 PM at ALT 92.3. We’re also hearing that the station’s Kevan Kenney will be Entercom’s Alt format’s national on-air talent from 7 PM- midnight, M-F. Also, KRBZ’s resident genius Lazlo will be relinquishing his PD reins to expand his The Church of Lazlo show, featuring Slimfast and (now) Jeriney (!) into other markets.