When the pandemic finally ends and tours begin again in earnest, the issues surrounding diversity in the music biz will still be with us. In hopes of developing a more inclusive climate on the live side, Shawn Gee and Live Nation Urban are assembling a Black Tour Directory for rollout before the end of 2020. This resource will gather contact and other info regarding black professionals and black-owned companies as a resource to artists, managers, producers, promoters, venues and other interested parties.
Typically, the lack of diversity in tour staffs has been blamed on the difficulty of locating personnel of color; the BTD aims to eliminate this excuse with a font of professional data—and to connect qualified industry peeps with a host of new opportunities in all areas and genres.
The Directory is currently being populated but its curators need your help. If you have a business or other name to refer, visit @livenationurban on Instagram and clink the link in the bio to register, or just go here.