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In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, No Other Agency, Good + Energy and Pretty Mental are hosting Holding Space, an open conversation about mental health. Held every Thursday in May via Zoom, special guests chat with a certified therapist to put on a series of talks targeting folks in the music industry.

This Thursday’s conversation, titled Identity and Ego, will feature special guests including LVRN’s Head of Marketing & Brand Partnerships Sean McNichol and Captiol’s SVP Global Creative Amber Grimes speaking with Therapist and Pretty Mental Co-host Paula Sinisterra M.S, LAPC as well as Good + Energy Co-Founder Kevon Jaundoo. No Other Agency founder Danielle Quebrado Jimenez will be moderating the last two talks. Next week's topic will be "Cooperation vs Competition," followed by "Mental Health in Marginalized Communities."

With the success of last week’s Zoom meeting, which had almost 200 individuals in attendance alongside SinceThe80’s Head of Marketing Kei Henderson and COLORS’ Lead U.S. A&R Brandon Payano getting vulnerable and speaking about their own mental health, they hope to continue having the Holding Space meetings beyond May, as many don’t have access to a therapist. Holding Space aims to integrate mental health safeguards into the foundation of the music industry and hold open conversations.

The conversation continues this Thursday (5/14) at 3pm PT/6pm ET. For more information, click here.