HITS Daily Double


Entercom’s Michael Martin is demonstrating how radio can be a leader and a focus of connection and information in a crisis. The veteran programmer reached out on 3/16 with a new initiative called Home Schooled, which will feature audio (PSA-leaning phone interviews) and video (FaceTime or home video) contributions from artists to Entercom stations. With so many of us stuck at home under self-quarantine, they’ll ask “what your artist is doing at home, to encourage social distancing and ‘flattening the curve’ during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“Let’s focus on TEACHING,” reads Martin’s message. “We want your artists to teach us what they’ve learned at home. Maybe they’ve learned how to bake, wrote a new song, finally cleaned out that closet, read some amazing books, listened to and discovered new artists, finally learned how to wash their hands right, whatever!” Of course, they’ll also have a chance to offer musical updates.

It's a reminder of how important radio is to maintaining social continuity and a sense of community during a crisis—and how creative use of media can keep us informed and entertained at the same time.

Reach out to Michael, Liana or the other Entercom format captains to get involved.