HITS Daily Double


The Super Bowl isn’t till next weekend, but we’ve assembled a team of all-pro skill-position players for you to marvel at while you try to get through this, the first weekend without a single NFL game since September.

Quarterbacking the squad—if only because he’s the wealthiest of the week’s trend-triggerers—is Bob Pittman, while fellow veteran Ken Ehrlich has amply demonstrated he can carry a heavy load at crunch time.

Ariana Grande and Future are our speedy all-star wideouts, and Gesaffelstein has shown incredible chops for a HITS List rookie.

Interscope ruler John Janick is an early candidate for coach of the year (he’s also tight with the halftime performers), and Mike Chester, who recently signed with the Bunny, is the sort of innovative offensive coordinator that’s so in demand these days.

Now you can get back to filling in the squares in your office Super Bowl pool.