Monday, December 25, 2017
UMG, fresh off its newly inked pact with YouTube, has announced a global deal to become the first major music group to directly license its music and pub catalogs to Facebook. This will enable video and other social engagement with UMG music on FB, Instagram and Oculus.
As FB users well know, music sharing hitherto on the social giant has required links from elsewhere, predominantly from YouTube but also Spotify, SoundCloud and other platforms. Both UMG and FB promise expanded music experiences over time.
Michael Nash, EVP of Digital Strategy, described a "dynamic new model for collaboration between music companies and social platforms," calling this "an important first step demonstrating that innovation and fair compensation for music creators are mutually reinforcing—they thrive together."
Added Tamara Hrivnak, Head of Biz Dev and Partnerships for FB, "Music lovers, artists and writers will be right at home as we open up creativity, connection and innovation through music and video."
Who'll be next to ink a similar deal with the social behemoth? Stay tuned.
Facebook's Russian bots couldn't be reached for comment, but they are expected to post a lot of Emin Agalarov's greatest hits.