Kentucky basketball head coach John Calipari’s Cal Cast podcast featured superstar Drake as a special guest this week, as the artist—who famously gives no interviews—phoned in to his longtime friend and mentor, Coach Cal. And Drizzy had quite a bit to say in this wide-ranging conversation, discussing what drives him as an artist, why it’s tough for him to ever take a break, who he'd like to collaborate with and his future plans for acting and lots of basketball, of course.
Coach Cal, who set up the conversation by insisting Drake “has never changed; he’s the same guy, he treats people with great respect,” said he has known the now 30 year-old star since he was 20 and that “he’s hungry, driven and humble,” adding, “You cannot believe the respect he shows his mom.”
A big part of Coach’s conversation centered around the topic of work ethic. About that, Drizzy explained, “Creating music is sometimes all about timing. It’s all about me texting this producer at this certain time...him working on a beat and not sending it to someone else sending it to me, me getting it and being inspired in that moment by something that just happened and then writing a song. It is truly stars aligning, music is. And it’s scary to think of all the things you miss because you didn’t sit in there. You know? So I try to not let myself have that fear.”
On the forthcoming project More Life, which has spawned the #1 single “Fake Love” but has yet to materialize in full, Drake explained that it is a "playlist project" in conjunction with Apple Music, and is "not an album, but a body of work that I'm creating," intended “to bridge the gap between my major releases, to keep people excited."
Drake is currently in the UK getting ready to play six nights at London’s The O2 arena, after kicking off his The Boy Meets World Tour in Amsterdam on 1/21. You can hear the whole conversation here:
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