HITS Daily Double

Add Iovine 24-bit crusade

IT DON’T COME EASY: But help, it appears, is on the way. "We've gone back now at Universal, and we're changing our pipes to 24 bit,” said Iovine. “And Apple has been great. We're working with them and other digital services—download services—to change to 24 bit. And some of their electronic devices are going to be changed as well. So we have a long road ahead of us." The IGA chief acknowledged that future iPhones and iPods would have to be upgraded in order to play 24-bit files. But Iovine said the end result will be worth the effort. “What we're trying to do here is fix the degradation of music that the digital revolution has caused," he said. "It's one thing to have music stolen through the ease of digital processing. But it's another thing to destroy the quality of it. And that's what's happening on a massive scale." (2/23a)