THE WORLD ACCORDING TO FAXON: Toronto’s Financial Post had a sit-down with EMI ruler Roger Faxon during a visit to our neighbor to the north. Here are some of the points he made during the Q&A: “Music isn’t dying; one way that the music business has operated is dying... It used to be that music was a scarce resource, that’s why people had to go and buy it. You bought it so that you could listen to it when you wanted to listen to it, so it became this collectible. It was precious. Now it’s ubiquitous… Distribution is infinite in the digital age. The access to music is infinite. We can be the guideposts, but we can’t restrict the access. We used to be able to do that. That was a predicate of the old model. The world has changed and it’s been a difficult transition for the music business, but I actually think it’s for the better.” (3/31a)