HITS Daily Double

Carney calls Parker an asshole

MONEY MAKER: In a recent radio interview with WGRD Grand Rapids, Black Keys drummer and high-profile diss-distributor Patrick Carney slammed Sean Parker in no uncertain terms, calling the Spotify board member “an asshole. The guy has $2.5 billion he made from figuring out ways to steal royalties from artists, and that's the bottom line. You can't really trust anybody like that. The idea of the streaming service—like Netflix for music—I'm totally not against that; it's just that we won't put all of our music on it until there are enough subscribers for it to make sense. There are only about a million-and-a-half Spotify subscribers, I think, but if there were like, 200 million… 66 plays will get a 12-cent royalty. But then that goes to the label, and part of that is paid out to the artist from that. You can't make money on that—trust me—Dan and I like to make money. If it was fair to the artist we would be involved in it, but it's not. I honestly don't want to see Sean Parker succeed in anything, really. I imagine that if Spotify does become something that people are willing to pay for, then I'm sure iTunes will just create their own service and do it themselves. And they're actually more fair to artists." Carney’s statements were reported by Digital Music News. The complete audio interview is here. (3/27a)