UMG-EMI OP/ED: Digital-entertainment blogger Moses Avalon came down in favor of the consolidation of the Big Four into three this morning in a commentary he headlined in part, “Why Artists Should Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Universal/EMI Merger.” Avalon gives two reasons for his support: “The future of music, according to Universal Music’s Peter Lofrumento, who told Reuters , ‘depends on providing consumers with as many legal alternatives to piracy as possible.’ He’s right. So, unfortunately, as uncompetitive as it might seem, what the industry needs right now is some form of unification to ease the ability for universal licensing (no pun intended).” The other reason, he argues, is that “The fewer large music companies Google and other ISPs have to deal with, the stronger music’s negotiating position will be.” His conclusion: “The only people who I can see having a reasonable argument against this merger would be Warner Music, who in the end will end up being the RC Cola to Universal/Sony’s Coke and Pepsi. ISPs will object as well… But as far as artists whose revenue is generated from both advances and royalties, this merger should be a welcome one. For now. Timing is everything. Ten years ago I would’ve staunchly objected to this, now I think it must happen at this time or the consequences could be severe. Ironic as it seems, right now, for music, consolidation is the new growth.” How’s that for a catch phrase? (5/25a)
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