Tuesday, September 25, 2012
A METHOD TO THEIR MADNESS? In the wake of the surprise announcement of Cohen’s exit, industry observers surmise that Blavatnik and Cooper must have some sort of plan in place, though at this point it’s anybody’s guess as to whether they intend to sell WMG altogether or hire Roger Faxon and buy Parlophone. Either way, this is not business as usual at the bunny. Faxon is said to be denying that he’s going to Warner to some while telling others he’s leaving his options open. Most believe he’s the right fit for the chairmanship of WMG—a veteran who has a clue about the music biz and was able to slash overhead at EMI and get Citi what it needed from a the sale. If Blavatnik wants out, Faxon makes sense. He can have intelligent conversations with CEO Stephen Cooper and the Russian about the asset they own and come up with a strategy for managing it. Worth noting that major execs at EMI all liked and thought highly of Faxon. (9/25a)