HITS Daily Double

CC-Glassnote rev-sharing deal

iHEART OF GLASS: Clear Channel has just made a revenue-sharing deal with Daniel GlassGlassnote, similar to the radio giant’s precedent-setting agreement with Scott Borchetta’s Big Machine. Said CC topper Bob Pittman: “Daniel Glass is a savvy music business veteran who’s been leading his spirited independent record label to success after success. So it’s no surprise to us that Glassnote quickly saw this was a great opportunity to help move the digital radio industry towards a more sustainable future. Not only will this agreement expand his label and artists’ participation in all of Clear Channel’s radio revenues; it also creates a vibrant new digital radio business model that we believe will provide more money for the artists and the labels and more digital choices for the consumer.” Added Glass: “We built Glassnote to be a next-generation music company that embraces change, including evolving technologies. One of our passions is aggressively finding new and innovative ways to make our artists’ music and information more available than ever to their fans. It is no secret of our respect and love for radio. This partnership aligns our business interests more closely with Clear Channel, and we’re excited about being part of the drive to grow digital radio faster and bring all of its benefits to music fans.” (9/27a)