Thursday, October 25, 2012
SUDDEN DROP OF PRICE: In a fascinating interview with Digital Music News, deposed Tunecore founder and resident genius Jeff Price recounts the events that led up to his sudden firing and attempts to piece together the rationale for the move and the identities of those who made it. He also takes a shot at Pandora’s Tim Westergren, claiming artists’ needs aren’t being considered in the debate over royalty rates. “I believe the best model for artists is one of service with transparency and accountability,” says Price in the Q&A. “I think the best music business model for a venture capital organization to invest in is a company built to serve, not exploit, the artist. That's what I was trying to create with TuneCore. It wasn't that I was sacrificing a great possible financial exit for moral reasons; it just so happens the moral reasons and the philosophy coincide with a great freaking business model. People that aren't in the music industry can't understand the nuances of why that is. It's very frustrating. I'm frustrated.” (10/25a)