Tuesday, December 17, 2013
LINGER ON: Family, friends and fellow artists gathered at the Apollo Theater in Harlem last night to bid farewell to Lou Reed, who died on 10/27. The Power of the Heart: A Celebration of Lou Reed, organized by the late rocker's widow, performance artist Laurie Anderson, and producer Hal Willner, featured performances by Paul Simon, Patti Smith and Lenny Kaye, Debbie Harry and others, as well as Mo Tucker's reading of a letter from absent John Cale and a Kaddish prayer from producer Bob Ezrin with piano accompaniment by Phillip Glass, a violin piece by Anderson and a Tai Chi demonstration. The night culminated with a mass rendition of the Velvet Underground classic "Sister Ray." Among the attendees were Clive Davis, Salman Rushdie, Dr. John, Wallace Shawn and Richard Belzer. (12/17p)