HITS Daily Double

Selfie derby

THINK THEY'LL TAKE A SELFIE (UPDATE): The competition for The Chainsmokers' runaway hit "#Selfie" is over, and the winner is the man who never met a smash he didn't like, Republic's relentless Monte Lipman. All that's left for Monte to do now is to take a selfie of himself and send it to us for posting. You're on the clock, dude.

Omigod, like, there's totally a bidding war brewing for The Chainsmokers, the EDM phenoms behind the unstoppable "#Selfie" (Dim Mak). Warner Bros., RCA and Republic are, you know, like, vying for it or #whatever. Adam Alpert and Oliver Luckett are the managers, and they're twerking right now. The song's attitude is reminiscent of a breakout hit from another era, Frank Zappa's "Valley Girl." (2/28a)