HITS Daily Double

Weekly mktshare

YOUR WEEKLY MARKETSHARE SCORECARD: Look who’s back in the catbird seat, boys and girls. The recently pumped-up Republic, which ruled frontline through 2013, gets back to where it once belonged, leapfrogging Disney, last week’s winner, surging CMG and Columbia, which has dominated the competition thus far in 2014. It’s not immediately apparent how Republic pulled it off, considering the company’s biggest seller this week was #9 Lorde, with 15.9k, followed by Florida Georgia Line, with 12.6k. But we can tell you that there are six albums from Island in the Top 200, so it appears that Republic has done it with volume. Meanwhile, newly stand-alone Def Jam, the other major piece of the dissolved IDJ, is coming on strong with the debuting Iggy Azalea (#2, 54.6k) and second-week entry August Alsina (#7, 18.2k) to finish at #5, a higher slot than IDJ as a whole had managed to attain this year. (4/30a)