HITS Daily Double
You can never predict how or where you’ll stumble across the next exceptional act, but the most intriguing ones tend to come from the least expected places.


This Week’s Ear Candy Comes From the U.K. and One of the Battleground States
Reunited and it feels so good!

The Wheels losers have returned to their shared space in the HITS cesspool after spending a good part of October in different time zones. Stints in Arizona for babies being born and an escape to New York for CMJ kept us separated these last couple weeks, but we are back…until next week, when Jesse ditches me for waterfalls and poi in the great state of Hawaii. Perhaps we’ll be writing about up-and-coming hula music in the coming weeks. To keep us on the straight ’n’ arrow, send us what you’re listening to: [email protected]

Little Boots: Getchur dancing shoes on! Little Boots is making waves from overseas with her debut U.S. release, hitting the streets Nov. 18 through IAMSOUND. NME calls her their favorite new U.K. electro act, and with a pair of scintillating singles produced by Joe Goddard of Hot Chip and Greg Kurstin of The Bird and the Bee, we strongly suspect you’ll agree. This adventurous young artist writes all her own lyrics and collaborates with a host of producers to give her the cutting-edge electro-sound that is getting her on the short lists of the best to emerge in 2008. Find out for yourself at www.myspace.com/littlebootsmusic.

BandB: You can never predict how or where you’ll stumble across the next exceptional act, but the most intriguing ones tend to come from the least expected places. I discovered this grass-roots Americana band on the floor—literally. During my week at CMJ, band after band handed me their CD, followed by a pitch about why they’re the best unsigned band, but this one came with no handshake, no hype, no PR, no nothing. We thought about showing some love to Band A or Band C, but just couldn’t resist this outfit from the Motor City. Think Pete Yorn meets Tom Petty with a dash of bluegrass and you’ve got BandB. Check ’em out at www.myspace.com/bandbdetroit.