HITS Daily Double
Chief possesses the Britpop edge we loved in Oasis and eloquently blends that with the sonic influence of greats like Neil Young and Grant Lee Buffalo.


Erica Fills the Tank for the Drive to Indio, While Jesse Works Through a Pile of Submissions and Changes His Email Address Yet Again
As you’re prepping for the hot, hot beer and music festival in the desert this weekend, be sure to check out some great bands for the glorious drive. Half of us will be with you in the trenches, while Jesse filters through your submissions and gives me survival tips from home. For updates on my Coachella adventure, check back in with my alter ego: rknthefreewrld on Twitter and let me know where the cleanest Andy Gump is on the field. Also, send your personal Coachella adventures to our inbox and see if you get featured in our special edition next week: [email protected].

(www.myspace.com/chieftheband): Our pick to click, this rock quartet—managed by Paul Adams of Magus Entertainment and fresh off a great run at SXSW—is gearing up for Glastonbury this summer. They possess the Britpop edge we loved in Oasis and eloquently blend that with the sonic influence of greats like Neil Young and Grant Lee Buffalo. Band members Evan Koga, Danny Fujikawa, Michael Fujikawa and Michael Moonves headed east from Los Angeles to attend NYU a few years back, but cliché college life quickly took a back seat to their quest to find their groove as a band. Check out the catchy, ethereal, straight rock tunes from an act that has shared the stage with artists like The Whigs and Glasvegas on their EP The Castle Is Gone, now available on iTunes.

Saint Motel
(www.myspace.com/saintmotel): The four members of this intriguingly named group met in film school, but their decision to form a band soon after is proving to be their golden-ticket move. AJ Jackson (vocals, guitar), Aaron Sharp (guitar), Greg Erwin (drums) and Dak (bass) work collectively on the writing process, resulting in manic music waves that will permeate your ears and draw you to their sensational live show. They’re working on a bunch of new songs that you can preview Monday at the Troubadour as BMI’s April Pick of the Month (set time: 10 p.m.). The show is all ages, $7 and our sources tell us that there are some 3D surprises in store.

Pennyroyals (www.myspace.com/pennyroyals): The band has been in development with famed producer Michael Plotnikoff and recently completed their debut release. They’re currently seeking a label deal. For more info, contact Scott Bradford of Serling Rooks & Ferrara, LLP.

Sugar Red Drive
(www.myspace.com/sugarreddrive): Next week (4/24) they’ll be appearing on the WPYX Albany morning show. Now confirmed for Seaside Music Festival in New Jersey on 5/16. June will kick off a promo run, hitting Syracuse, Albany, Binghamton, Hartford, Springfield MA, Harrisburg PA, Wilkes Barre and Dover NJ. The band recently closed an agency deal and are gearing up for a U.S. tour to commence 6/24. Check their MySpace page for a date in your town.

Our friend Mitch Davis gives us the following weekend updates. If you’re missing Coachella, here’s an alternative: the Grand Prix of Long Beach...

El Tri performs

Celebrity/Pro Race with drivers including Keanu Reeves, Adrian Brody, Alex Trebek, Carlos Mencia, Al Unser Jr., Raven-Symone and others
Puddle of Mudd performs