HITS Daily Double
The Guy in the Goggles’ final words were reportedly, "Hey, man, watch this…"


Will Be Replaced on hitsdailydouble.com Building Album Chart, Elsewhere, by the Man in the Yarmulke

The Guy in the Goggles, a mainstay on the hitsdailydouble.com Building Album Chart and elsewhere on the site, was reportedly killed in a tragic accident that took place in a duck blind somewhere around Bowie, Texas.

TGITG’s final words were reportedly, "Hey, man, watch this…"

And that’s the last anybody heard of TGITG, who was also the official spokesperson for Skoal Chewing Tobacco and Spittoons of Archer City. His body has yet to be recovered.

Rumors he had been kidnapped by the Israeli Mossad secret service organization went unconfirmed at presstime.

And now the Hayseed has been replaced by a Hasid, with the Jew in the Yarmulke now appearing on the Building Album Chart with typically stereotypical comments, only this time substituting the Yiddishtick of Jackie Mason and Mort Sahl for the blue-collar musings of Hee-Haw and Larry the Cable Guy.

Pretty soon, the Jew in the Yarmulke’s exaggerated Hebe-onics will annoy you every bit as much as The Guy in the Goggles’ homespun wisdoms and love of farm animals, only it will affect your left side instead of your right.

Visit the Building Album Chart today… It couldn’t hurt.