God, that’s a lot of responsibility! Take pill now. Breathe.
In case you forgot, Music Choice is a little something Microsoft, Motorola, Sony, Warner Music Group, EMI, Adelphia, Comcast, AT&T Broadband, Cox Communications and Time Warner Cable dreamed up while on a coffee break one day. Music Choice’s interactive channels allow DirecTV subscribers and others to purchase CDs and view album art and lyrics while listening to music.
Music Choice, which also produces a live concert series for cable, reaches 22 million households. Recent Music Choice research showed that its digital audio service listeners tune in 14 hours per week on average and look at the screen approximately 12 times per hour.
The new sales team includes three new employees and will complement Music Choice’s existing operations. Rumors that the new team will drink Yuban and play pinochle in a back room until this whole “bad economy” thing blows over were unconfirmed as of this writing.
"We feel it is absolutely critical to have our advertising sales team based in New York City, the nation's advertising capital,” sad Music Choice Sr. VP Marketing, Advertising and Sponsorships Christina Tancredi. “ We can now work closely with the advertising and marketing communities to engage their clients in the Interactive TV space. We think advertisers will jump at this vehicle because it's highly targeted.”
Just so long as they don’t jump out of the vehicle, Chrisster! That could hurt. A lot.Site Powered by |