HITS Daily Double
"We are proud to announce a cancellation. We'll be even prouder when we can announce a rescheduled date."
—--Letter writers Tony Martell and Kid Leo


Tony Martell And Kid Leo On Kieley, Cures
And Cancellation
We received the following letter from T.J. Martell Foundation Chairman Tony Martell and Columbia Records VP/Martell Music Industry Roast Chairman Kid Leo. As we noted in our rumor mill, the roast honoring KIIS-FM Los Angeles' Dan Kieley, scheduled for June 28 at New York's Irving Plaza, was cancelled.

The T.J. Martell Foundation is proud to announce that the 14th Annual Music Industry Roast has been cancelled.

Yes... we said "PROUD."

Why? Because when you cut to the quick, the T.J. Martell Foundation is about CURES.

We struggle every day to raise funds so that our doctors can struggle to find breakthroughs that eventually lead to CURES.

This year's Roast honoree, Dan Kieley, also faced a struggle. He is now at a point where, we hope and pray, he can have a personal breakthrough towards that elusive goal... A CURE.

The T.J. Martell Foundation will do everything we can to help him find that cure. THAT, as already stated, is what we're all about... and THAT is what we're proud of.

We're sure all of you applaud Dan's efforts and will support him in every way that you can.

So... yes... we are proud to announce a cancellation. We'll be even prouder when we can announce a rescheduled date.

Tony Martell

Kid Leo